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About Us

Hello my name is Kamoney CEO of the business im about to talk about. I'm a 18 year old black african american female, all around beauty lover. My Brand Name "The Glossy Effect" was created during quarantine because there wasn't much open so you couldn't go out & really pick up the personal things you needed due to the virus & what's going on in our world as of 2020 i knew i wasn't the only one trying to find a way around this terrible,Tragic time i took the time out to turn the stress & pain i was facing turning it into my passion to help & motivate others to get out & make a difference & in result i created my very own small business. & as the CEO i want you & everyone else to know that you can do whatever you put your mind to it will have its downfalls but the good thing about being down is the only place left to go is UPPP. I hope you enjoy what i've came up with my cosmetic line that offers affordable quality beauty & more.

- The Glossy Effect